Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What is the meaning of life? Srsly

Hey Hey... its been awhile since I last posted. I s'pose the blog is most likely classified under 'dead' now, but what the heck, I revived it. As for the reason why I revived it is because...well, I got reminded of my blog and re-read some of my older posts (No, that is not lame...), and it was fairly touching to remember times when I could just crap things out like no one's business...Just had a lot on my mind lately....
Anyway, heres the post. Forgive me if its boring or anything, I felt its rather meaningful. No powerful vocab found here.
An excerpt from a book that was never called a book.

‘Strider, why do you even try?’

‘I try because I live. You can’t try when you are dead.’

‘We aren’t even considered alive, Strider, we can’t even eat, sleep or bleed, for that matter.’

‘Living is not always about eating and sleeping, and as for bleeding, I rather the people whom I protect not to bleed.’

‘But don’t you find our existence so…so inconsequential?’

‘I can’t really find anything that is consequential.’

‘You don’t find your love for Jasmine consequential?’

‘Love can hardly be called consequential, Lucifer. You should know that.’




‘What is the meaning of life?’


‘Yes, Life. Existence. Subsistence. Being here at this time. Life.’

‘I do not know, Strider, that is something I do not know. I have seen death many times over, but not life a single time. Life is more than living, than evolving, than adapting, for if it is just that, than perhaps we are just created for no actual purpose. Whatever we do has no consequence on the universe, we are here just because we are. Whether it’s because we should, or we must, there’s no changing the fact that our very existence is by pure chance. However, it’s impossible to say that all objects were created for a reason in the first place. I feel that it is our duty to find what this purpose is, a reason why we are alive. If not, we could just be a speck of dust, our existence and purpose already defined by whatever which created them. Once, an entity finds it’s true purpose in existence, it’s will alone would be able unstoppable. A mind so clear and definite, even you or I can’t stop it. That’s why, Strider, I exist.

‘But you are always causing chaos and disorder throughout the universe.’

‘Exactly, oh Lord of the Universe.’

P.S Note the painful irony.

P.P.S Strider is suppose to be the one restoring order in the universe.

I am limmingxiang pullyourpantsup singing off.

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