Hah. Finally I have come back to posting in this damned blog, I wonder whether it was just a matter or time. Neverthemore, I have.
IT 2009 already! The new year!
Now thats the problem isn't it? Is that a good or is that a bad thing? Optimists say 'Yeah sure as hell it would be better!' whilst pesimists say 'See? I told ya so...' Haha is you didn't get that then I am probably rusty, just made that up lol. OKAY nvm.
Some of you all may be thinking: 'What made me start posting again?'
Well, I would say: 'Cause Livejournal died on me.' Cause it did. !@#$.
Anyway, I was thinking, what better way is there to start of the new year with a nice story of 'the news that should have been'? Right? Well, actually no, there is a better way I shall reflect on stuff and sulk and complain about the woes of life that I should have been complaining on my livejournal account. I shall. And you can't do anything about it.
Okay, so let's take a step back now, shall we? A large one.
Before 2008, it was 2007. (No shit) But the fact of life is that, there was in fact a new year last year, which means that we did actually go through the whole new year stuff and celebrated accordingly. BUT. Yes, I caps-ed the 'but' and made that word a sentence. But stop, and think about it. What resolutions did we give ourselves before 2008? Did we manage to accomplish any of them? Frankly speaking right now as I am typing this, I haven't the foggiest idea what I resolved to do in 2008 but I can't say the same for everyone.
(I guess I didn't manage to accomplish anything, fair enough, it's better than getting worse...I GUESS)
Two thousand and eight has been a funny year, almost so to the point of being sadistically masochistic, as the joy is from pain and the pain resulted in joy and the joy was painful to bear. They are actually three different things really. We had the natural dosage of fear in the world, natural disasters which did not hit us, lots of murders, terrorism and the ever-so-subtle economic downturn. Etcetera, etc. We had the same number of exams and school stuff, correct me if I am wrong, and experienced a nice level camp.
We made new friends, lost some friends, forged stronger bonds, backstabbed people...You know the usual wishwash, just kidding for the last part I needed a contrasting statement to emphasize the feel of the sentence but since I just said this, it wouldn't mean much but you get my ultimate point. But I guess for me I basically learnt to forgive and forget, I hope.
Thinking back now, the last year was a different one. The same new year, same celebrations, same resolutions, same hopes and dreams but in the end, from whatever point you look at it, unless you are blind (then in that case, sorry), the transit from last year to this year is different. Cause we are parting ways, well for some of us at least. WE would see less of of our old classmates, old friends and in my case squadmates. It is inevitable. I shan't drone on about all the hooblah about 'the time spent together was priceless' 'whatever bond forged was forged' 'we all have to parts way sooner or later, better it be painful than painless' 'that we wouldn't mind doing it all over again...' 'That I can't bear to leave last year behind and proceed to the next because of a fear that we would never be able to be the friends we were to each other again.' or that 'maybe the next time we see each other on the road we would not remember that name or this...'. Nope, not me, ain't that sentimental...not the tiniest little bit...cold as ice...*sigh*
I digress. I guess the main reason why I wanted to start posting here again is because I kinda miss this place? The web address alone brings back memories I hope I would never forget, ever. I am going to digress again, and I shan't.
I just wanted to shout out to all of you who have been my friend, closer or just aquaintances, that it has been a fun last four years with it's ups and it's downs and it's sidetracks and turns, plus in a lot of swearing, I am glad that I have went through those four year with you guys, or gals. And I hope that the next two years would be fantastic...okay, 'fantastic' is a tad too optimistic, 'better' would be...well, better.
Here and now, I shall end.
This is limmingxiang pullyourpantsup singing off to the new year!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Just look below, there's no secret message here...
Hah, it's been suprisingly nice to publish stuff here but now I am afraid to say that I will not be continuing to post, maybe at least not here.
It's strange how good it feels when someone tags your tagboard.
Maybe once in a red moon, I will post.
P.S i love flowers
I am limmingxiang thisisacrypticpost singing the last note on the last line of the last bar.
It's strange how good it feels when someone tags your tagboard.
Maybe once in a red moon, I will post.
P.S i love flowers
I am limmingxiang thisisacrypticpost singing the last note on the last line of the last bar.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The smile on your face, lets me know that you need me.
Took the quiz. The options were hilarious.
You're 6:49 a.m.
You're the time of day right around sunrise, when the sky is still a pale bluish gray. The streets are empty, and the grass and leaves are a little bit sparkly with dew. You are the sound of a few chirpy birds outside the window. You are quiet, peaceful, and contemplative. If you move slowly, it's not because you're lazy ? it's because you know there's no reason to rush. You move like a relaxed cat, pausing for deep stretches that make your muscles feel alive. You are long sips of tea or coffee (out of a mug that's held with both hands) that slowly warm your insides just as the sun is brightening the sky.

I am limmingxiang laughingmypantsoff singing off.
You're 6:49 a.m.
You're the time of day right around sunrise, when the sky is still a pale bluish gray. The streets are empty, and the grass and leaves are a little bit sparkly with dew. You are the sound of a few chirpy birds outside the window. You are quiet, peaceful, and contemplative. If you move slowly, it's not because you're lazy ? it's because you know there's no reason to rush. You move like a relaxed cat, pausing for deep stretches that make your muscles feel alive. You are long sips of tea or coffee (out of a mug that's held with both hands) that slowly warm your insides just as the sun is brightening the sky.

I am limmingxiang laughingmypantsoff singing off.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Each love is kindly marked for forever...
Hey, squadmates! this post is for you. It's a little something I cooked up yesterday night, hope you can decipher it!
P.S Post. Script
I am limmingxiang pullyourpantsup singing on
June’s night has yield some tears,
How away we swam hard home.
Strong my love with you-all grown,
Kindness showed forever cherished.
Kindness showed forever cherished.
Knowing, each time, hour, year exits,
The jaunt yesterday defines your love,
Friend, Come over, make X-mas young kindred,
Know each moment, know your charm.
P.S Post. Script
I am limmingxiang pullyourpantsup singing on
Friday, May 16, 2008
As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together...
The Last Campfire
The boy sat down on the cold concrete seat. Even though the night’s chill licked at him, the warmth from his friends kindled a fire from within. Yes, his friends. He turned and took a look at his classmates, friends, brother and sisters, whatever they were called, his eyes attuned to the darkness of the witching hour. He looked closely. As his eyes slowly spotted each one of his friends he felt something stir in his heart. What emotion, what feeling. No words could describe it, it was simply indescribable.
He could not concentrate much on whatever performance was on at that time, neither could he concentrate on his own bodily fatigue. He could only feel that hidden emotion wrenching his heart and soothing it at the same time. His mind drifted away from the campfire. He thought about the few days before, they had been through a lot. From every activity to every cheer, they were together as one. From every raft to raft they were together as one, from every waterfall to waterfall they were together as one, from every step to step they were one.
And now, the boy finally realized, it was the last day of the camp. It was going to be all over. Was he happy? Yes, he was, how could he not be? He was looking forward to this day from the very start of the camp! He should be elated, he should be… Was he sad? Yes, he was.
His mind flickered back to the past few days again. He saw his friends again, together, not scattered like now at this campfire. He saw their faces of joy, joy when they joked around. He saw confidence, confidence like no other when they were cheering. He saw friendship, friendship that lends a hand every time you fall, friendship that will never die, come what may. He saw the class spirit, spirit that mends the wound for every bicker. Oh, how much they bickered. He saw unity, unity never ever before seen, unity that could shake the earth and tear the skies, unity that can bring love. Love, love for each one and every of his classmates, love that will be and never wouldn’t, love that could make one withstand a thousand adversities, and still stand strong for another thousand, Love that will last an eternity.
It was going to be over soon. The boy looked back again, behind him, at his friends. This time only in a general direction, his eyes became hard to focus, vision slightly blurred. Now, he knew what feeling was in his heart, he understood why he was here, everything made sense now. It did not matter whether they were sitting as a class now. It did not matter whether they weren’t all best friends. It did not matter whether they won any award. Neither did it matter that it was the last day nor did it matter that it was probably the last time they did anything as class. What mattered was simply that they were here, with him, till the very end. Once again, he felt that emotion stir in his heart, tears trickled down his cheeks as he continued to watch the performance.
Now, the camp commandant spoke. Fatigue dragged the boy’s mind down, only a few words were heard, but that was enough.
One day, everyone has to part ways. And sometimes we may never see each other again. We may forget this person’s and that person’s name, and maybe forget what we done together, forget everything about each other as we go on in life. We may meet on the street and pass without knowing we were in the same class, we may go on in life never knowing what we thought about of each other. We may never contact each other again. But remembering that whatever we did as a class happened, remembering that whatever bond was forged was forged, and whatever laughter was laughed, and remember that for once in our lives, we had friends like these.
The boy looked up at the stars in the black velvet sky, decorated by stars which twinkled like teardrops and closed his eyes. He tried to capture the image and store that exact moment in his life. So that…so that he could one day revisit that moment again, to experience it all over again, just one more time.
The boy bent his head down and cheered softly and silently, for one last time, in his heart, a place where they all cheered….together.
‘It does not matter whether you are able to win the war alone or not. Neither does it matter that you are the strongest that ever lived. What truly matters is whether you can bring everyone else along with you, and stick through thick and thin, helping them if they cannot carry on. Usually, the bond forged between two people is much stronger than one person alone, so imagine three, and then four. People who will be kept closest to you, strengthening you every time you weaken, pointing you to the right direction every time you are lost, are kept in your heart, and you, in theirs. Cherish and treasure every second you have with those people as with time such people will leave you physically. But with every extra second you spend with them, a little more of them fill up your heart and memory each time…’
I am limmingxiang doourclasstee cheering off...
The boy sat down on the cold concrete seat. Even though the night’s chill licked at him, the warmth from his friends kindled a fire from within. Yes, his friends. He turned and took a look at his classmates, friends, brother and sisters, whatever they were called, his eyes attuned to the darkness of the witching hour. He looked closely. As his eyes slowly spotted each one of his friends he felt something stir in his heart. What emotion, what feeling. No words could describe it, it was simply indescribable.
He could not concentrate much on whatever performance was on at that time, neither could he concentrate on his own bodily fatigue. He could only feel that hidden emotion wrenching his heart and soothing it at the same time. His mind drifted away from the campfire. He thought about the few days before, they had been through a lot. From every activity to every cheer, they were together as one. From every raft to raft they were together as one, from every waterfall to waterfall they were together as one, from every step to step they were one.
And now, the boy finally realized, it was the last day of the camp. It was going to be all over. Was he happy? Yes, he was, how could he not be? He was looking forward to this day from the very start of the camp! He should be elated, he should be… Was he sad? Yes, he was.
His mind flickered back to the past few days again. He saw his friends again, together, not scattered like now at this campfire. He saw their faces of joy, joy when they joked around. He saw confidence, confidence like no other when they were cheering. He saw friendship, friendship that lends a hand every time you fall, friendship that will never die, come what may. He saw the class spirit, spirit that mends the wound for every bicker. Oh, how much they bickered. He saw unity, unity never ever before seen, unity that could shake the earth and tear the skies, unity that can bring love. Love, love for each one and every of his classmates, love that will be and never wouldn’t, love that could make one withstand a thousand adversities, and still stand strong for another thousand, Love that will last an eternity.
It was going to be over soon. The boy looked back again, behind him, at his friends. This time only in a general direction, his eyes became hard to focus, vision slightly blurred. Now, he knew what feeling was in his heart, he understood why he was here, everything made sense now. It did not matter whether they were sitting as a class now. It did not matter whether they weren’t all best friends. It did not matter whether they won any award. Neither did it matter that it was the last day nor did it matter that it was probably the last time they did anything as class. What mattered was simply that they were here, with him, till the very end. Once again, he felt that emotion stir in his heart, tears trickled down his cheeks as he continued to watch the performance.
Now, the camp commandant spoke. Fatigue dragged the boy’s mind down, only a few words were heard, but that was enough.
One day, everyone has to part ways. And sometimes we may never see each other again. We may forget this person’s and that person’s name, and maybe forget what we done together, forget everything about each other as we go on in life. We may meet on the street and pass without knowing we were in the same class, we may go on in life never knowing what we thought about of each other. We may never contact each other again. But remembering that whatever we did as a class happened, remembering that whatever bond was forged was forged, and whatever laughter was laughed, and remember that for once in our lives, we had friends like these.
The boy looked up at the stars in the black velvet sky, decorated by stars which twinkled like teardrops and closed his eyes. He tried to capture the image and store that exact moment in his life. So that…so that he could one day revisit that moment again, to experience it all over again, just one more time.
The boy bent his head down and cheered softly and silently, for one last time, in his heart, a place where they all cheered….together.
‘It does not matter whether you are able to win the war alone or not. Neither does it matter that you are the strongest that ever lived. What truly matters is whether you can bring everyone else along with you, and stick through thick and thin, helping them if they cannot carry on. Usually, the bond forged between two people is much stronger than one person alone, so imagine three, and then four. People who will be kept closest to you, strengthening you every time you weaken, pointing you to the right direction every time you are lost, are kept in your heart, and you, in theirs. Cherish and treasure every second you have with those people as with time such people will leave you physically. But with every extra second you spend with them, a little more of them fill up your heart and memory each time…’
I am limmingxiang doourclasstee cheering off...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What is the meaning of life? Srsly
Hey Hey... its been awhile since I last posted. I s'pose the blog is most likely classified under 'dead' now, but what the heck, I revived it. As for the reason why I revived it is because...well, I got reminded of my blog and re-read some of my older posts (No, that is not lame...), and it was fairly touching to remember times when I could just crap things out like no one's business...Just had a lot on my mind lately....
Anyway, heres the post. Forgive me if its boring or anything, I felt its rather meaningful. No powerful vocab found here.
An excerpt from a book that was never called a book.
‘Strider, why do you even try?’
‘I try because I live. You can’t try when you are dead.’
‘We aren’t even considered alive, Strider, we can’t even eat, sleep or bleed, for that matter.’
‘Living is not always about eating and sleeping, and as for bleeding, I rather the people whom I protect not to bleed.’
‘But don’t you find our existence so…so inconsequential?’
‘I can’t really find anything that is consequential.’
‘You don’t find your love for Jasmine consequential?’
‘Love can hardly be called consequential, Lucifer. You should know that.’
‘What is the meaning of life?’
‘Yes, Life. Existence. Subsistence. Being here at this time. Life.’
‘I do not know, Strider, that is something I do not know. I have seen death many times over, but not life a single time. Life is more than living, than evolving, than adapting, for if it is just that, than perhaps we are just created for no actual purpose. Whatever we do has no consequence on the universe, we are here just because we are. Whether it’s because we should, or we must, there’s no changing the fact that our very existence is by pure chance. However, it’s impossible to say that all objects were created for a reason in the first place. I feel that it is our duty to find what this purpose is, a reason why we are alive. If not, we could just be a speck of dust, our existence and purpose already defined by whatever which created them. Once, an entity finds it’s true purpose in existence, it’s will alone would be able unstoppable. A mind so clear and definite, even you or I can’t stop it. That’s why, Strider, I exist.
‘But you are always causing chaos and disorder throughout the universe.’
‘Exactly, oh Lord of the Universe.’
P.S Note the painful irony.
P.P.S Strider is suppose to be the one restoring order in the universe.
I am limmingxiang pullyourpantsup singing off.
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